The Gender Justice Collective


Ange, Tania and Erin are founding members of the Gender Justice Collective.

The Gender Justice Collective is an independent, non-profit network drawn from all walks of life. We are business owners, policymakers, grandmothers, sisters, mums, aunties, mana whenua, tangata whenua, tauiwi, educators, students, workers, nurses, creatives, farmers - you get the picture. 

We use feminism as a shorthand for intersectional feminism: a feminism that is not exclusively focused on eradicating sexism, but one that is invested in dismantling all systemic hierarchies including white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, ableism, heterosexism, transphobia, colonialism and more.

We are committing to working in a collaborative, inclusive way, honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, being guided by feminism and constantly learning.  

For more information, visit:


Gender in Focus


Aotearoa Online Dating & Sex Survey